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A Neoclassical Steel Fender attr. to Sir Edwin Lutyens

A polished steel low fender of distinctive scrolling form, formed of solid wrought and polished steel. Of notably good quality and weight. By family tradition designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens.

England circa 1910

This beautiful and unusual fender, of an unrecorded form, has traditionally been attributed to Sir Edwin Lutyens. The elegant lines and strong confident scrolls are characteristic of the work of the great English architect around the start of the 20th century. His ability to weave disparate influences together was a hall mark of his practise, both in architecture and in the furniture he designed for specific commissions. In the present piece it is possible to see both the seemingly opposite influences of the Edwardian Arts and Crafts movement and neo-Baroque classicism. Like his buildings this simple and modest piece of furniture defies easy labelling but stands out on its own qualities.


Height 176cm | 69 ¼ in

Width 216cm | 85 in

Depth 5cm | 2 in

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